Sunday, July 18, 2010

Prezi's are cool! They are so easy to use. They are fast and effective and I could think of so many uses in the classroom for this! They are web based presentation applications that can tell a story. This 'presentation tool' uses a single background instead of many slides and you can upload pictures, files and type words that look so effective. It has a movement that feels 3d almost when it moves from one section to the other. Children would love to either use one of these to create their own presentation or watch one that the teacher has made. Teachers could use these to explain an assessment piece to the student or even just to get across a specific concept. It's also free! This is another great element to Prezi! Teachers are always spending so much money on resources and powerpoint is $40 plus so this gives teachers a good insentive to get online and create a fast, fun and engaging presentation for their kids or get the kids involved- either way!


  1. Hi Renee, I've just created my own Prezi, and I would have to agree with you - they are fun and effective! I think this tool could be effectively used as a brainstorming tool for students to place their ideas on the canvas, and then revisit later and add more detail. I think it is such a great program to "rework" in this way. What do you think?

  2. I agree. I would most defiantly on the brainstorming idea- In my experience with the younger years when students do oral presentation they stand up and talk of a piece of paper and most of their peers are not engaged at all- I feel students should start using prezi when they have to do oral presentations. It would make them so much more fun for all students and engaging when students have to sit through 28-30 of the same presentations. What do you think? I feel like the younger kids might be able to get the hang of this tool if the mentor teacher ran mini workshops for 20-25 mins each week. I think students would be so excited about that and they would use that time to engage with the tool and start to brainstorm ideas for their presentations. This could be used for most KLAs however I thought of some great ideas in the following;
    English- Oral presentations on journals etc.

    SOSE- Planning and investigating waste/pollution and its damaging effects on the environment.

    Science- An investigation on water.
    The Arts- A step by step presentation on how they made their art piece and the different elements they used.

    These ideas are just off the top of my head, have you got any ideas to add?

    Bye Kate :)
