Sunday, July 25, 2010


Posting images online is easy and effective.........but what about PRIVACY? It is so important that these days each student has parental permission when a mentor teacher/adult wants to take photographs with their child in them. Uploading images online can be really effective for students to see themselves when they were working hard, at Under 8's day, on an excursion or simply just painting in the classroom however it is important that these photos are only posted on private websites- websites that online parents and the school community have access to. On the other hand uploading images of concepts, tools, themes and topics onto a class website is a great idea! This gives students visual aids to assist in learning and to stimulate learning. Students love colourful, effective pictures of animals, planes, space and much more and what better way to get students learning than to create a website full of images and informative text!

Has anyone out there witnessed a privacy issue with images? or has anyone seen images being used effectivly on a school community website? If so what are your ideas and feelings towards images?

"[Using digital images] has revolutionalized every aspect of my teaching" David Domozych, Professor of Biology, Skidmore College.

'Faculty (from the Liberal Arts Institution) were asked to evaluate the reative importance of ten aspects of features of teaching with digital images, by marking them "very" important, "somewhat", "not very" or "not at all" important'.

(On page 26 of the article below you will find the figure related to this discussion)

If you want to see more about this article on teaching with digital images head to:


  1. Hi Renee,

    I agree with you on the issue of privacy. I had an experience with this at my prac school last year. I was doing an activity with the students for Italian Day and wanted to take photos of the students making their bruschetta. The classroom teacher did, however, have a list of the class stating which students did and did not have permission for photos to be taken of them.

    In contrast, my prac teacher this year takes photos of the students working ALL the time. She uploads them on to a virtual classroom and the parents can see what their children have been doing at school.

    I doubt that their should be too many issues with photos of students getting uploaded to unprotected sites as teachers would be well aware that they need to keep a close eye throughout any of these types of activities.

  2. Hi Ash,
    In my prac school last year it was a major issue with taking photos of students and uploading them to the school webpage which is why I am so cautious about it now.

    Images being used in the classroom of objects, places, people or things is great to stimulate ideas and engage students however I feel when I am a learning manager I will be cautious with the images I take during school time with my learners.

    For our Under 8's day last year, all students had to wear a wrist band to identify them as students who are not allowed their photograph to be taken. I feel this is a little sad for those students as it is images of them in an educational setting where they are learning and experiencing new things however, I can see where the parents of these students come from as the web is so huge now.
